Listen live on Sundays at 10 am Eastern time or hear a replay until midnight Saturday night (ET). The service lasts one hour and an organ prelude and postlude extend 7–10 minutes before and after the service. An audio replay is available within 30–60 minutes after the service ends.
Sunday services are conducted by a First and Second Reader and include music, hymns, prayer, and readings from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Unless otherwise indicated, Scriptural selections are from the King James Version of the Bible.
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Unless otherwise indicated, Scriptural quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible.
Mimi Oka, First Reader
Don Wallingford, Second Reader
Subject: MATTER
Bryan Ashley, Organist of The Mother Church
Dorian Choral by Jehan Alain
Aria by Charles Callahan
Hymn 201
Charles Parsons, words
Henry J. Gauntlett, music
O do not bar your mind
Against the light of good;
But open wide, let in the Word,
And Truth will be your food.
Truth will from error free
Your long enslaved mind,
And bring the light of liberty
Where it shall be enshrined.
Hid treasures it reveals
To all who know its power;
And all who will may light receive
In this most gracious hour.
Then open wide your heart
To Truth and Light and Love;
You then shall know your life is hid
With Christ in God above.
Scriptural Selection
Romans 8:1-14
From the Holy Bible, New International Version.
Silent prayer, followed by the audible repetition of the Lord’s Prayer with its spiritual interpretation by Mary Baker Eddy
(Read in context)
Hymn 168
Richard Mant, Tr., adapted, words
Geistliche Lieder, Leipzig, 1539, music
Let all the earth with songs rejoice;
Let heaven return the joyful voice;
All mindful of our God’s great name,
Let every man His praise proclaim.
Ye servants who once bore the light
Of Gospel truth o’er darkest night,
Still may our work that light impart,
To glad the eyes and cheer the heart.
O God, by whom to them was given
The key that shuts and opens heaven,
Our chains unbind, our loss repair,
Reveal Thy power through answered prayer.
For at Thy will they preached the Word
Which cured disease, which health conferred:
And now, that healing power once more
Our peace and health to us restore.
Kendra Fogg, Soloist of The Mother Church
Praise be to Thee
Praise be to Thee, Lord God of Hosts!
My soul shall be joyful in Thee;
I shall rejoice, Lord, in Thee.
Like a shepherd hast Thou led us, Lord,
Thine the hand that healeth us;
Through Thy great goodness are we restored.
Praise be to Thee, Lord God of Hosts!
My soul shall be joyful in Thee;
I shall rejoice, Lord, in Thee.
My soul shall be joyful in Thee;
I shall rejoice in Thy salvation.
Words by Mack Harrell
Music by Siegfried Ochs
Words printed with permission.
Explanatory Note
Golden Text and Responsive Reading
Golden Text:
Romans 12:1 present
. . . present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Responsive Reading:
Psalms 96:1, 3, 5, 6; 106:7, 8, 13, 19–21, 44, 45; 29:2
96:1 Sing to the Lord a new song. Let all the earth sing to the Lord.
3 Tell of His shining-greatness among the nations. Tell of His wonderful works among all the people.
5 For all the gods of the nations are false gods. But the Lord made the heavens.
6 Honor and great power are with Him. Strength and beauty are in His holy place.
106:7 Our fathers in Egypt did not understand Your powerful works. They did not remember how many times You showed Your loving-kindness. But they turned against You by the sea, the Red Sea.
8 Yet He saved them because of the honor of His name, and to make His great power known.
13 But they soon forgot His works. They did not wait to hear what He wanted them to do.
19 They made a calf at Horeb and worshiped a god of gold.
20 They traded their shining-greatness for something that looked like a bull that eats grass.
21 They forgot the God Who saved them, Who had done great things in Egypt,
44 But He looked upon their trouble when He heard their cry.
45 He remembered His agreement because of them, and took pity on them by the greatness of His loving-kindness.
29:2 Give to the Lord the honor that belongs to Him. Worship the Lord in the beauty of holy living.
The Responsive Reading is from the New Life Version.
The Bible Lesson-Sermon, the Explanatory Note, Golden Text and Responsive Reading are from the Christian Science Quarterly Bible Lesson, a publication copyrighted by the Christian Science Publishing Society.
Offertory and collection
During the offertory you're invited to participate in the collection via PayPal using a PayPal account or a credit card if you do not have a PayPal account.
From Heaven on High I Come by Georg Böhm
Hymn 583
Respecting third party copyrights, we are unable to post the words to this hymn.
Scientific Statement of Being
From Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, p.468, line 8
Correlative Scripture
I John 3:1-3
II Pet. 1:2, 3
Prelude in C minor, BWV 546/1 by Johann Sebastian Bach
The Scriptural Selection for "Matter" is from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
The Responsive Reading for "Matter" is from the New Life Version, copyright © 1969 and 2003. Used by permission of Barbour Publishing, Inc., Uhrichsville, OH 44683. All rights reserved.
Please note that the words to certain hymns and solos cannot be republished without permission due to copyright restrictions. Copyrighted Music included in today's streaming church service, including display of lyrics on this page if applicable, is either owned by the Church, directly licensed, or covered by one or more of the following licenses:
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For branches of The Mother Church streaming their hybrid services, please see the guidelines. For all other requests to use music owned by the Church, email
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Listen live on Sunday at 10 am Eastern time. Please listen via computer as phone lines are limited. Phone charges, if any, are the responsibility of the caller.
Toward the end of the service, a collection is taken. You're welcome to contribute online to the church at any time.
Make a secure online donation via PayPal using a PayPal account or a credit card if you do not have a PayPal account.
You may also make donations by mail.