

Last Updated: May 13, 2021

This Permissions page is part of the Terms of Service (the “Terms”) for (the “Site”), owned and operated by The First Church of Christ, Scientist and its affiliate The Christian Science Publishing Society (together “TFCCS”).

Please note that there are many different kinds of content on the Site (the “Content” as defined in the Terms) which are subject to varying re-use policies. This Permissions page describes the general permissions guidelines for the Site, but specific Content may have different permissions guidelines. In particular, the subscription area of the Site, Christian Science JSH-Online, has its own Terms of Service and Permissions guidelines.

Content from the Site may not be modified, reproduced, distributed, publicly performed, publicly displayed, transmitted, or included, in whole or in part, in derivative works, except as described in these Permissions guidelines. Unless expressly authorized in these Permissions guidelines, all printing, publishing, broadcasting, web posting, streaming, archiving or other uses of Content from this Site require written permission from TFCCS. In some cases, TFCCS must refer you to another rights holder.

If you have any questions about our Permissions guidelines, please feel free to contact us at

Guidelines for Christian Science Branch Churches and Reading Rooms

Christian Science Branch Churches and Reading Rooms have additional guidelines for re-use of Content from this Site. For information on reprinting "A Christian Science Perspective" columns from The Christian Science Monitor in local papers, please see here.

Things for which you do not need our permission

Generally, text Content from the Site may be printed on paper using your browser’s “Print” functionality for your own personal, noncommercial use only. Please note that “personal use” does not include sharing Content, such as posting articles or images on social media, other than as permitted by these Permissions guidelines and the Site's functionality. Except as permitted by the Site’s functionality, images on the Site may not be copied, downloaded or otherwise used without express permission.

Whenever possible, we ask that you use the electronic sharing functions provided by the Site rather than sharing paper copies or sharing digital copies by other means, as this gives the recipient the opportunity to explore the Site more deeply.

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Sharing electronic copies of Content

You may share electronic copies of Site Content only through the sharing functions provided by the Site. Specifically, the Site allows the sharing of links to certain Content by email. This functionality does not actually send a copy of the Content, but instead sends a link to the Content so that the email recipient may access the Content by clicking on the emailed link. You do not need permission to use this “email-a-link” functionality; however, you may not email the Content itself.

Additionally, the Site allows the sharing of links to certain Content via Facebook and Twitter or other social media applications. Sharing Content via social media is only allowed using the functionality provided by the Site. Please do not share Content, including logos or images, other than via the email-a-link and social media sharing functions provided by the Site. Please do not copy posts from a social media page to post elsewhere.

Linking to the Site invites you to place a link to the Site’s homepage on your website or blog. You may also link to specific pages on the Site, but please note that Site Content is subject to change from time to time, which may result in broken links. We ask that websites and blogs link to the Site, rather than reproducing Site Content. You may use the Daily Lift logo as a link to the Daily Lift page.

Other than as described above, if you would like to post, print or otherwise use any Site Content, please see the following sections on Permission requests.

Permission requests

Regarding photos and audio / video / podcast permissions

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Photos, audio-visual, and audio Content on the Site created by TFCCS, such as photos, audio clips, audio slideshows, videos and podcasts (including the Daily Lift), whether posted on this Site, on any of our other site(s), or on our social media pages, are made available for your private, personal use only (or as expressly permitted by specific language contained with the particular Content).

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No permission from TFCCS is needed to receive streaming transmissions of Content from the Site for private listening or viewing, or for group listening or viewing such as in a Christian Science Reading Room, for example watching a Christian Science lecture video or listening to a Daily Lift podcast in a Christian Science Reading Room. Note that TFCCS does not obtain performing rights for the music in its products and publications on behalf of third parties, so you may need to obtain licenses from the music performing rights society(ies) in your country if you wish to publicly perform Content containing music.

Unless otherwise allowed in these Permissions guidelines or through Site functionality, you must request permission as described in the following section in order to reproduce, republish, embed, publicly display, perform, distribute, or otherwise share Content from the Site through any media, including but not limited to broadcast and websites.

How to submit a permission request

To request permission to reproduce copyrighted Content from this Site in ways not addressed under “Things for which you do not need permission” above, or to ask general questions about our Permissions guidelines, e-mail us at

Please include the following information along with your request:

  • your name, organization, address, phone number, and e-mail

  • title and author of the article or description of any non-article Content

  • the URL where you found the item, as well as the name and date of our publication in which the item appeared if indicated

  • description of how you plan to use the item

  • media in which you plan to use the item--please be specific as to format, (e.g., Print: book, magazine, posters, photocopies, etc.; Electronic: Internet, intranet, e-book, DVD; Audio/visual, etc.)

  • the length of time you want to use the item

  • the circulation or number of copies you want to make, if applicable

  • the price (if any) you intend to charge for your product or publication

  • the date of your event, or the deadline date for your publication, and

  • any other information which might be helpful to us in considering your request

Note: There are some elements of Content which TFCCS does not own or control. In such cases, TFCCS must refer permission requests to another rights holder. Different kinds of Content are subject to varying reuse guidelines. If you have questions about specific Content, please feel free to contact us at

Permissions and copyright information for related publications and organizations

TFCCS maintains other websites, which have their own permissions and copyright information:

The Christian Science Monitor /

To request permission to reprint or republish an article, photograph or other content from The Christian Science Monitor: Visit

Christian Science JSH-Online

To request permission to reprint or republish an article, photograph or other content from the Christian Science SentinelThe Christian Science JournalThe Herald of Christian Science, Christian Science Quarterly Bible Lessons, General Publications Bible Products books, audio and/or video products, out-of-print pamphlets, or any other publication or product from The Christian Science Publishing Society (other than The Christian Science Monitor): Visit

The Mary Baker Eddy Collection

To request permission to use any of Mary Baker Eddy's writings, Hymns from The Christian Science Hymnal and its Supplements, images of The Mother Church or its environs, or other copyrights of The Christian Science Board of Directors: Visit

The Mary Baker Eddy Library

To request permission to use materials from The Mary Baker Eddy Library, including images of the Mapparium or other current Library programs, or to ask general questions about the Library’s reprint and logo use policies: Send an email to

All other permission requests

Book cover artwork requests
Send an email to

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