
Lecturer Profile

Tom McElroy, CSB  Play

  • English

A member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship

Tom McElroy, CSB

Contact Information

Accord, Massachusetts, USA
Phone: (562) 822-6477
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Tom isn't yet accepting invitations for this lecture year, and in general, he does minimal travel due to his role as manager of the Board of Lectureship. Please check this page for updates in the coming months.

Tom has always loved meeting new people and learning fresh and inspiring ideas. Through his study of Christian Science, he has found that a better understanding of God helps him connect with all kinds of people and to appreciate and enjoy the many diverse expressions of divine Life and Love which fill the globe.

Tom’s interest in different cultures, people, and ideas that led him to study philosophy at university. During his university years, he was also able to participate in a few study-abroad programs which took him to France, Belize, Vietnam, China, and Tibet. He’s now been to every continent but Antarctica. During these travels, he experienced many proofs of God’s ever-present care for His global family.

After graduating from university, Tom obtained a position as the senior loan officer in charge of a mortgage company’s most active branch. At the same time, he also worked with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department as a volunteer chaplain in men’s, women’s, and youth correctional facilities, giving Christian Science services and one-on-one interviews. These experiences gave him many opportunities to rely on and prove the power of God’s laws of goodness and harmony, which govern all of creation and bring immeasurable benefits to all mankind, even in the most adverse situations.

Tom now devotes himself to the full-time public healing ministry of Christian Science. While serving on the Board of Lectureship, Tom has spoken at probation facilities, universities, public schools, churches, and for public service groups — like those serving homeless and at risk youth — as well as in other general public venues. He gives lectures in English and French.

Titles of Available Lectures

Spiritual discovery: How you can better the world

Discovery is what has advanced humanity throughout history, be it through new inventions or changed views of fundamental human rights. Spiritual discovery is about stripping away surface-level appearances to see our lives and the world through the nature of an all-good God that is Life and Love itself. This lecture shares how we find real change and healing through new views of people, power, and prayer.

Spiritual discovery in a time of upheaval

Alternate title to Spiritual discovery: How you can better the world.

Discovery is what has advanced humanity throughout history, be it through new inventions or changed views of fundamental human rights. Spiritual discovery is about stripping away surface-level appearances to see our lives and the world through the nature of an all-good God that is Life and Love itself. This lecture shares how we find real change and healing through new views of people, power, and prayer.