Mayal was born in a rural area of Africa to parents who were subsistence farmers, and he was blessed through their love and thoughtfulness with a good education. As a family they attended a Christian church, but when he went to college, he became dissatisfied with the teachings of the denomination. At this time Mayal was also training to become a teacher, but the social conditions of this profession in his country were far from desirable. He was concerned about his prospects after so many years in school, and felt that his future looked bleak.
But one day, before leaving the college campus, he bumped into someone with a copy of the French edition of the Herald of Christian Science. It was the first time he had seen this magazine and browsing through it, he was attracted by an article titled “To Be Someone.” Thinking he would learn how to become an important person in life, he read it with interest. The article, however, carried a very different logic and expanded on the identity of each one of us as a beloved child of God, therefore spiritual and complete. The article also referred to the Bible and to another book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Mayal loved the ideas in the article, was eventually able to get a copy of the book, and became convinced of the logic of Christian Science. He began attending Christian Science services in his home city, Kinshasa.
Learning about Christian Science turned his life around, leading him to a successful career, first with the United Nations development program (UNDP), then with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, including a stint in Cambodia with a United Nations peacekeeping mission. Mayal’s Christian Science healing practice was growing at the same time, and he eventually retired from his job as a Human Rights Officer to enter full time into the public healing practice. He is deeply grateful to Christian Science for what it has done in his life, and to be able to share its uplifting and transformative message with others.
Titles of Available Lectures
Discovering Christian Science, discovering hope
The problems we face can seem to shatter our hopes and dreams. But Christian Science shows that understanding the Gospel of Jesus Christ is able to change the course of our lives for the better. Jesus’ example points to a divine Science that anyone may learn and put into practice. Practicing what Jesus taught in this way changes your perspective on life, brings a renewal of hope, and healing.
Christian Science — the truth that makes free
The Bible is a chronicle of freedom for mankind. Jesus taught that the kingdom of heaven is within us—that God’s power, presence, and government are within reach here and now. His works show how the power of God can free us from the sicknesses or sins by which we may feel enslaved. Christian Science defines the spiritual laws supporting Jesus’ words and works, and gives instructions for how to practically apply these laws to free ourselves and others.