Looking back over the steps in her career and development as a Christian, Edwina feels a sense of order and progress stemming from her love of God and desire to help others.
After finishing school, she asked herself what she wanted to do. The answer that came so clearly was to help people. This led to a medically-based healthcare career. She loved working with patients.
In her late twenties, Edwina found Christian Science and this opened her understanding to a new view of healthcare. She was a sincere Christian who had been searching for a deeper understanding of God, which had led her to numerous denominations. Early on in her study of Christian Science, she was satisfied it could answer all of her questions about God and healing. And it has proved to be so, many years later.
Not long after beginning her study of Christian Science, a new career unexpectedly opened up. The role took her out of the clinical setting and provided new opportunities to help people, this time predominantly students. This work challenged Edwina to see that true intelligence lies with God alone--not subject to anyone’s level of education or personal sense of ability. She had been a poor student academically and yet obtained a doctorate while working full-time with a large family.
Edwina’s early desire to help others never left and this motive led her to transition to full-time practice as a Christian Science practitioner. Now, as a Christian Science practitioner and teacher, she sees how each step in her career has prepared her and taught her about God’s loving care for all of us. This is what Edwina wants to share as a Christian Science lecturer.
Titles of Available Lectures
The Science of Christianity: Divine Love in Action
Science and Christianity might seem to be incompatible, but in fact they underpinned the teachings and healing ministry of Christ Jesus. The Science of Christianity teaches us about God, Love, in a new way—a way that helps us more clearly understand the truth about ourselves and about God. This Science, when applied, helps us to feel God’s presence, sets us free from problems we are facing, and changes our lives and the lives of others for the better.
The key to effective prayer
Effective prayer is more than thinking good thoughts, or begging a far off God to intervene, it is a recognition of the transforming power of God’s law in our lives. Jesus provided strong examples of what prayer can do, and expected his followers for centuries to come to do the same. He defied material laws by obeying spiritual laws–laws that define God as Love and God’s loving government of us. We can follow Jesus’ example confidently by striving to understand these laws and put them into practice.