
Christian Science Organizations

Explore what Christian Science Organizations (CSOs) are, how they are formed and examples of how involvement in CSO supports healing.

You can reach The Mother Church CSO support team anytime at We have CSO Representatives in many countries who speak English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Connect with other Christian Scientists at University

Meet other Christian Scientists at universities around the world. Or connect with a CSO at your school.


How to start a CSO

Want to build a community of like-minded thinkers at your university? Here's what’s needed.


What do CSOs do?

Each CSO is unique and each one will be run differently. What they all have in common is a love for Christian Science and a deep desire to share it with others. How are CSOs putting this into practice?

  • Share together Perhaps consider ideas in the Weekly Bible Lesson, or from the Christian Science periodicals.

  • Classroom talks If there are classes your school offers that could relate to Christian Science or Mary Baker Eddy, talk with the teacher and see if they’d like to host a guest speaker. Some related subjects include: women’s history, philosophy, religion, and medicine.

  • Panel or discussion with other faith groups 

  • Host a Christian Science lecture and invite your friends. Contact us for more details on how to host a lecture, and whether financial support is available.

  • Student Activities Fair or Campus Festival 

What are the big issues or trends at your university? There are so many ways to connect with your school community! Be inspired!

Why join a CSO?

  • Hear how this student was introduced to Christian Science through his school’s CSO, and then was healed of food poisoning.

  • Meet a student who grew up in Christian Science but felt unsure about it. Hear how she grew in her understanding and had a healing of depression by attending her school’s CSO meetings.

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Meet Sara, from the University of Alabama

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Meet Jordan, from William & Mary

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Meet Rebecca, recent graduate of Purdue University

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