
Widgets for your website

Link to Prayerful Response page from your church website

We are providing widgets that can be embedded in your website to link people to healing resources from The Mother Church. Questions about placing the widgets on your site? Please contact us by phone: 617-450-3468; or email: and we will get back to you with technical assistance.

Copy and paste this code to display a widget below.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Copy and paste this code to display the widget below.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Copy and paste this code to display the widget below.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>


The First Church of Christ, Scientist, grants to Christian Science Reading Rooms, branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, Christian Science Societies, and informal groups, permission to use the images with accompanying descriptive text solely as they are posted on this webpage, subject to the following requirements. These image(s) and text:

  • May NOT be modified or altered in any way, including overlaying images or text on the image(s).

  • Must be used in their entirety, and may not be excerpted from or combined with other images.

  • May be used only in electronic formats on websites.

The images posted on this webpage are not to be reproduced or distributed for any other purpose than stated above. Elements from these images may not be removed or manipulated for any reason, or for promoting any other products or services, including church services and lectures.

A Note to Webmasters: The linked materials available on this web page are authorized by The First Church of Christ, Scientist, for the use on websites for branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, Christian Science Societies, informal groups, and Christian Science Reading Rooms. Please feel free to call (617-450-3468) or email us ( any time with your questions.

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