
Online Thanksgiving service

Nov 28, 2024

Online Thanksgiving service

  • The live Thanksgiving stream starts promptly at 11:30 a.m. ET.

  • This compatibility page will offer guidance if the live stream doesn’t seem to be playing correctly.

Welcome!  We invite you to join a Thanksgiving Day service on Thursday, November 28.

  • The in-person service will be held in The Mother Church at 10 a.m. ET.

  • The online service will be held here at noon ET.

Both the in-person and online services offer music, singing, and readings, and also heartfelt testimonies of gratitude and healing submitted by attendees.

A replay of the online service will remain available until 5 p.m. Sunday, December 1, 2024.

Read the Thanksgiving Bible Lesson

access code: 969 9392 8161#

Listen live to the online Thanksgiving service at 12 p.m. Eastern time. 

Feel free to submit testimonies and gratitude comments using the Thanksgiving testimony/comment form before or during the Thanksgiving service. Read our testimony guidelines. We'd love it if you would include your name and location so we can embrace our global audience.  As you write up your testimony, please remember that we have listeners from many different backgrounds, with varying degrees of familiarity with Christian Science. We do not air all submissions and submissions may be slightly edited before airing.

If your testimony has never been published before, you are invited to submit a longer version of it to The Christian Science Journal, Christian Science Sentinel, or The Herald of Christian Science at JSH Submissions. Further guidelines for submitting testimonies to the periodicals are also available here.


Meet The Pastor

The Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy together serve as pastor for Sunday church services and Wednesday testimony meetings at all Christian Science churches, societies, and informal groups around the world.

Learn more